Come and Have Your Say
What is the Moatfield Surgery Patient Participation Group?
The aim of the group is to maintain an effective relationship between Moatfield Surgery and patients through a two-way channel of communication.
PPG Updates:
Come and Have Your Say sessions
The next Come and Have Your Say session will be in the first week of April. The date will be confirmed soon.
In December 2024, members from our PPG attended the practice to engage with our wider patient population. The outcomes of these sessions are detailed in this summary report.
Quarterly summaries and recent PPG meeting minutes are available here.
Updates from Moatfield Surgery:
13/02/25 - Moatfield hosted the first live demonstration session of our new appointment and access system. The next session will take place on Thursday the 27th of February - Visit our 'how to book an appointment' page to register!
28/01/25 - The construction of two new consulting rooms continues, with completion anticipated by the end of March 2025. One of the rooms has been specifically designed for group consultation sessions, offering a more accessible alternative to the previous upstairs meeting space. These new additions will provide the practice with essential clinical space to accommodate our growing team.
23/01/25 - In the coming weeks we will be announcing some exciting news about our access and appointment system.
03/10/24 - Moatfield Surgery 2024 Patient Survey Report
You SAID, we DID
New section coming soon! We want to evidence and highlight actions taken by the practice following feedback from our patients and our PPG.
Have Your Say
Although we aren't taking on new PPG members at the moment, your feedback is essential in helping us collaborate with the surgery to enhance its services. Soon, you’ll be able to share your comments, thoughts, and observations directly with the PPG via our dedicated email address. Stay tuned for more updates coming your way!
What is a PPG?
According to the National Association of Patient Participation, PPGs can make real constructive changes to the provision of services that are available at General Practice level, helping the practice to be more responsive and provide services that reflect the needs of the patient population.
PPGs also play a key part in sharing information, advice and support to encourage healthier communities and help local people to lead healthier lives.
Any member of the practice can be involved in the PPG.
For more information, please visit the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) Website
What is the Role of the PPG?
The Aims and Objectives of the PPG are:
Being a Critical Friend to the Practice
Advising the practice on a patient's perspective, providing an insight into the quality of services.
Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own health
Researching the views of those who use the practice (including carers/relatives)
Participating in health promotion events
Regularly communicating with the patient population
The Aims and Objectives of the PPG are NOT:
For PPG members to provide any medical advice to other patients
For individual personal issues or complaints to be raised
For membership to be used as an elevated right to care or treatment
To change or influence the ICB or National Guidance or pressures.
Patient Participation Groups can be used to support the practice, run volunteer services and support groups to meet local needs. They can also support the practice in requests to improve services available at a PCN/Wider NHS Level.
PPG Membership
PPG Members should:
Be registered as either a patient or a carer of a patient at Moatfield Surgery
Remain objective
Work Collaboratively
Listen to the views of the group
Adhere to the Terms of Reference for PPG Members
Commit to the 7 Principles of Life
For our PPG to be truly representative of our patients, we need to cover a broad spectrum of our patients; young people, workers, retirees, people with long-term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
PPG Meetings
Meetings of the Patient Participation Group should ideally take place at least quarterly:
Follow an Agenda (issued by the Secretary)
Are a forum to discuss patient issues, concerns, suggestions etc.
An opportunity to listen to speakers from the practice about developments or initiatives which will affect the patient population.
An opportunity for members to represent the patient population.
Last Updated 28/01/2025