To help and advise patients who suffer from Asthma. These appointments are with a member of our Nurses and Allied Health Team

Medline Languages Resource



Patients are asked to have their yearly blood test two weeks prior to the appointment. Your Diabetic Review may now take the form of a Group Clinic, held by our Diabetic Nurse Laura or our Paramedic Mel, with the help of a facilitator. These groups take place on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings. 

We can also refer patients to:

  • Health Coaching for Diabetes
  • Xyla Health and Wellbeing for patients in remission
  • Diabetes Prevention Programme for Pre-Diabetes

person taking their blood sugar reading using hand held monitor


child being held by a woman while getting her injections from a nurse


Children's immunisations are with a Practice Nurse, usually in morning clinics but we can offer afternoon appointments. 

Our Children's Page contains more information about what Vaccinations your child needs. 



Cervical screening reduces the risk of developing cervical cancer; it is not a test for diagnosing cervical cancer. It is a test to check the health of the cervix, which is the lower part of the womb (often called the neck of the womb). We offer the test to all women aged 25-64. This entails inviting women every 36 months in the age group 25-49 and every 60 months for women aged 50-64. Appointments should be made when the patient is mid-cycle of her menstrual period.



  • Confidential advice and a full range of family planning services are available at the surgery. 
  • All doctors are qualified in family planning, but you can see any doctor you wish, even if it's not your "named GP".
  • Emergency contraception (also known as the 'morning after pill') may be taken up to three days after unprotected sex. The earlier it is used the more effective it is. If needed, please do make an appointment within this time. If there are no routine appointments then tell the receptionist that this is an emergency.

lady holding baby shoes over her pregnancy bump

 If you would like to change your contraception, please book an appointment with a GP to discuss. 

After consultation with a GP, you may wish to be booked into one of our Coil Fitting Clinics which take place on a Tuesday afternoon with either Dr Allen or Dr Fielding, assisted by one of our Health Care Assistants. 

If you are on a contraceptive pill, we may do your pill review via text questionnaire. 



We offer a minor surgery service for various procedures, including the removal of skin lesions and ingrowing toenails etc. Please make an appointment with your doctor to discuss this first. These clinics take place on a Friday Afternoon with either Dr M Patel or Dr Forrest, assisted by one of our Health Care Assistants

Moatfield Minor Surgery




Medical examinations for special reasons eg. employment, fitness to drive or insurance are not undertaken during routine surgery times. A special appointment may be made with the doctor and you will be informed of the fee involved.

Our Private Fees page has more information about the charges associated.


person typing on laptop with stethoscope next to them.


Formerly provided in partnership with ABC and the East Grinstead PCN, we now offer limited weekend clinics which can be booked through our patient services team. 

Please note, the surgery is only open to patients with booked appointments during these weekend clinics as we have reduced staffing capacity. 



This service is provided in partnership with East Grinstead Primary Care Network (PCN). Our Social Prescriber works across multiple sites within the East Grintead PCN to support patient wellbeing when there are non-medical outside factors impacting their health and wellbeing. 

Social Prescribing Service


Other Services We Provide...


Revised 04/02/2025