Moatfield Surgery - GP Patient Survey
The information below is taken from the 2023 GP Patient Survey. People registered at general practices across England were asked how easy or difficult it is for patients to see or speak to a doctor at their practice. The results for this practice are depicted below.
More detailed results from the GP Patient Survey are available from the GP Patient Survey website:
The latest results were published on 13th July 2023
94% of respondents were given a time for their last General Practice appointment
Local (ICS) average: 91% National average: 91%
94% of respondents felt their needs were met during their last General Practice appointment
Local (ICS) average: 92% National average: 91%
97% of respondents took the appointment they were offered
Local (ICS) average: 96% National average: 96%
Last Reviewed: 25/02/2025