What is a Proxy User?
Some patients find it helpful to have a second person with access to their online medical record. A proxy is a trusted person who you have asked us to grant access to your online medical record, this may be a family member, a close friend or a trusted carer.
Depending on the level of access you decide to grant, this person could manage your appointments and order medication on your behalf, and even view your consultations from 11th October 2023 onwards.
How do I get Proxy Access?
- If you would like to grant access to a trusted person, please start by reading this information leaflet, making sure you fully understand the role of a proxy user.
- Ensure both the patient and the proxy complete this Proxy Access Application Form
- Decide how much access you would like your proxy to have.
- They could be limited to just managing appointments and ordering medications on your behalf, or could have access to your test results, consultations, documents and more added to your records from 11th October 2023.
- Once you have completed the form, bring it into the surgery along with Photo ID to be verified by our Patient Services Team.
- When we have recieved your application it may take a few days to process.
The surgery reserves the right to deny or remove proxy access if we believe it is not in the best interests of our patient, or if we suspect coersion.
What if I change my mind?
If you decide you no longer wish to have a proxy, please let the surgery know either in writing or via email. You, the patient have every right to change your mind and remove the proxy if you wish.
We will process the removal of the proxy as soon as we can.
Proxy Access for Children
Proxy access works a little differently for children as they are not required to give consent until they are 16 years old, or have been assessed as "Gillick Competent" meaning they are mature enough to have a say in the things that affect them medically.
If a child is under 11 years old, the parent has the automatic right to proxy access and can request this without the consent of the child.
3 Months before the child's 11th Birthday, you will recieve notification that on the child's 11th birthday, proxy access for them will be restricted until the link has been re-verified by the surgery - you will need to request this.
3 Months before their 16th Birthday, you will recieve notification that on the child's 16th birthday, proxy access will be removed as they are now able to have control of their own account, and can register for this in the usual way.
0-10 Years
Those with Parental Responsibility can be granted proxy access.
The child's consent is not required, however a proxy access application form should be submitted for admin and auditing purposes.
Children under the age of 13 cannot have their own Online Access account and should not be granted access to their own online record.
11-15 Years
On the child's 11th birthday, proxy access is restricted and you will need to contact the surgery for this to be re-verified by the practice.
If a child aged 13-16 would like access to their own medical record (their own account, not proxy access for a parent) a clinician would need to assess their competency.
The parent/guardian can still make decisions on behalf of the child and request an appropriate level of access.
16+ Years
On the child's 16th Birthday, proxy access is automatically withdrawn.
After 16, a child is assumed to be competent unless there is indication to the contrary.
The child can now apply for their own online access, or submit their own request for a parent to be granted proxy access.
More information about Proxy Access
Updated 12/03/2025